Sunday, June 2, 2024

Jay Grimstead obit

 Christian Author Jay Grimstead Has Died

He was not on the list.

Starting in the 1970s, God inspired Dr. Jay Grimstead to create several crucial theological movements. At one time, the ACLU called Dr. Jay, as his friends refer to him, the most dangerous man in America, because he brought evangelical Christians of every theological heritage to the same table, towards agreeing on the essential tenets of the Biblical Christian faith. Two websites represent Dr. Jay’s current efforts—the Coalition on Revival and the International Church Council Project—both dedicated to restoring of the Bible’s central place, its inerrancy, and its authority over the lives of mankind in every sphere of life. Dr. Grimstead is the author of Nordskog Publishing’s Rebuilding Civilization on the Bible: Proclaiming the Truth on 24 Controversial Issues.

He was Director of the Reformation Study Centre in California and Field Director of the International Council on Biblical Inerrancy.

Dr. Jay Grimstead was the founder and director of the Coalition on Revival. He was a personal friend and co-laborer with the late Dr. Francis Schaeffer in the International Council on Biblical Inerrancy and considers Dr. Schaeffer his mentor. Dr. Grimstead, a favorite of the young for his offbeat, rollicking sense of humor and fresh perspectives, worked for 20 years with the international youth organization Young Life. For many years since then, he has been a leading visionary and networker among Christian groups around the world."

Pastor Wellington Boone wrote on his Facebook page -  His spiritual father, Dr. Jay Grimstead, went home to the Lord on Sunday, June 2. They spent time together in May at Jay's home in northern California. Jay was the founder of Coalition on Revival and pioneer of the International Council on Biblical Inerrancy and a real Christian. He always had a great vision for all that his son Wellington would accomplish for the Lord.

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