Thursday, December 14, 2017

Bob Givins obit

Bob Givens dead; animator who helped design Bugs Bunny was 99

He was not on the list.

The animator who helped design Bugs Bunny and Elmer Fudd has died. Bob Givens was 99 years old.

Daughter Mariana Givens says her father died Dec. 14 in Burbank, California, from acute respiratory failure.

Bob Givens started working for Walt Disney Studios right out of high school and later joined what would become Warner Bros. His version of Bugs Bunny debuted in 1940. Other characters he illustrated during his six-decade career included Tom & Jerry, Daffy Duck, Alvin and the Chipmunks and Popeye.

Givens also brought his skills to TV advertising, animating cartoon insects for Raid bug-killer commercials.

Mariana Givens said Saturday that she always likened her father to Popeye when she was growing up. He was always energetic and resilient, and even smoked a pipe.

Partial filmography

1937: Don Donald (animation checker)

1937: Woodland Café (animation checker)

1937: Magician Mickey (animation checker)

1937: Little Hiawatha (animation checker)

1937: Moose Hunters (animation checker)

1937: Clock Cleaners (animation checker)

1937: The Old Mill (animation checker)

1937: Donald's Ostrich (animation checker)

1937: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (assistant animator)

1938: Self-Control (animation checker)

1938: Donald's Better Self (animation checker)

1938: Donald's Nephews (animation checker)

1938: Moth and the Flame (animation checker)

1938: Good Scouts (animation checker)

1938: Farmyard Symphony (animation checker)

1939: Old Glory (writer)

1939: The Little Lion Hunter (writer)

1939: The Curious Puppy (writer)

1939: Sniffles and the Bookworm (character designer)

1940: The Egg Collector (writer)

1940: Mighty Hunters (character designer)

1940: Tom Thumb in Trouble (character designer)

1940: A Wild Hare (character designer)

1940: Stage Fright (character designer)

1941: Tortoise Beats Hare (character designer)

1941: Hiawatha's Rabbit Hunt (character designer)

1941: Rhapsody in Rivets (character designer)

1942: Hop, Skip and a Chump (layout artist)

1942: The Draft Horse (layout artist)

1945: Nasty Quacks (layout artist)

1950: Trouble Indemnity (layout artist)

1952: The Egg-Cited Rooster (layout artist)

1952: Fool Coverage (layout artist)

1953: Cat-Tails for Two (layout artist)

1953: Of Rice and Hen (layout artist)

1954: Bell Hoppy (layout artist)

1954: Devil May Hare (layout artist)

1954: Gone Batty (layout artist)

1955: Feather Dusted (layout artist)

1955: Beanstalk Bunny (layout artist)

1955: All Fowled Up (layout artist)

1955: Dime to Retire (layout artist)

1959–62: The Quick Draw McGraw Show (layout artist)

1960–61: Mister Magoo (layout artist)

1960–61: Popeye the Sailor (layout artist)

1960–2000: The Bugs Bunny Show (layout artist)

1960: Crockett-Doodle-Do (animator)

1963: Transylvania 6-5000 (layout artist)

1964: Dumb Patrol (layout artist)

1964: The Iceman Ducketh (layout artist)

1964: False Hare (layout artist)

1966: Filet Meow (layout artist)

1968: Skyscraper Caper (layout artist)

1968: See Ya Later Gladiator (layout artist)

1968: Bunny and Claude: We Rob Carrot Patches (layout artist)

1968: The Great Carrot-Train Robbery (layout artist)

1969: Injun Trouble (layout artist)

1971: Dr. Seuss' The Cat in the Hat (layout artist)

1971–72: Help!... It's the Hair Bear Bunch (layout artist)

1972: The Houndcats (layout artist)

1973–75: Bailey's Comets (layout artist)

1973: Yogi's Gang (layout artist)

1974: Wheelie and the Chopper Bunch (layout artist)

1975–78: The Great Grape Ape Show (layout artist)

1977: Bugs Bunny's Easter Funnies (layout artist)

1977: Bugs Bunny's Howl-oween Special (layout artist)

1977: Baggy Pants and the Nitwits (graphic designer)

1979: Bugs Bunny's Valentine (layout artist)

1979–81: The Plastic Man Comedy/Adventure Show (layout artist)

1980–81: Heathcliff (layout artist)

1981: Friz Freleng's Looney, Looney, Looney Bugs Bunny Movie (layout artist)

1982: Bugs Bunny's Mad World of Television (layout artist)

1982: Bugs Bunny's 3rd Movie: 1001 Rabbit Tales (layout artist)/(production designer)

1983: Daffy Duck's Fantastic Island (layout artist)/(production designer)

1983–84: Saturday Supercade (layout artist)

1983–90: Alvin and the Chipminks (layout artist)

1985–86: It's Punky Brewster (layout artist)

1985–87: She-Ra: Princess of Power (layout artist)

1986: Ghostbusters (layout artist)

1987: The Duxorcist (layout artist)

1988: Daffy Duck's Quackbusters (layout artist)/(production designer)

1988–94: Garfield and Friends (key layout artist)

1989: Bugs Bunny's Wild World of Sports (layout artist)

1991–92: Mother Goose and Grimm (layout artist)

1994: The Angry Beavers pilot - “Snowbound” (layout artist)

1995: Another Froggy Evening (production designer)

1995–2000: The Sylvester and Tweety Mysteries (background key designer)

1996: Superior Duck (production designer)

1997: Pullet Surprise (production designer)

1997: From Hare to Eternity (production designer)

2000: Chuck Jones: Extremes & Inbetweens – A Life in Animation (himself; documentary)

2001: Timber Wolf (production designer)

2015: Walt Disney (himself; documentary) 

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