Saturday, May 11, 2024

Susan Blackline obit

Susan Backlinie of JAWS fame passes away aged 77

 She was not on the list.

Susan Backlinie former actress and stuntwoman best-known for her role as Chrissie Watkins, the first shark victim in Steven Spielberg's blockbuster JAWS (1975), died early Saturday morning at her home in Ventura, CA. She was 77. The news was confirmed by Backlinie’s convention agent, Matthew Templeton.

Backlinie's shoot for her appearance in Jaws spanned three days, during which she was secured into a harness as the crew labored to achieve the desired effects. Contrary to speculation, her startled reactions and screams weren't caused by any harm from the harness pulling her back and forth in the water.

“It is with heartfelt regret to confirm our beloved Susan passed away this morning. We would like to thank everyone for their condolences at this time. Please respect the family’s privacy during this difficult time.”


To create the effect of being poulled through the water, Susan was tethered to a line anchored to the ocean floor beneath her, and deliberately left unaware of when she would be submerged initially, aiming to elicit a more authentic surprise from her. Nonetheless, the rest of her performance was entirely her own as an actress. When her Jaws co-star Richard Dreyfuss viewed footage of her being attacked by the shark, he expressed that it genuinely frightened him.

Susan made an appearance in Spielberg's film 1941, satirizing her role in Jaws. Instead of encountering a shark during a midnight swim, she's humorously "picked up" by the periscope of a Japanese submarine. This scene has been hailed as the standout comedic moment in an otherwise widely-regarded as Spielberg's less successful films.

“Susan was a kind, soul and loving soul and will be sorely missed by the Jaws community. She has a special place in our hearts!”


“Like all JAWS fans, I am genuinely devatasted by the news of Susan’s passing - especially so close to JAWS’ 50th anniversary next year. She was the first... and will be remembered forever. ”


Backlinie appeared in her own pictorial ("The Lady and the Lion") in the January 1973 issue of Penthouse. This was more than a year before she submitted a nude photo of herself to the Jaws production executive who brought her to Spielberg's attention for the role of Chrissie. She also appeared nude in the February 1977 issue of Mayfair ("Susan Backlinie - The nude from Jaws", vol. 12, issue 2, pages 40–43).




Year     Film            Role            Notes

1975    Jaws            Chrissie Watkins           

The Grizzly and the Treasure            Eve     

1976    A Stranger in My Forest  Susan            also Trainer

Two-Minute Warning            Pretty blonde woman in crowd            Uncredited

1977    Day of the Animals            Mandy Young 

1979    The Villain   n/a            Stunt performer

1941    Polar Bear Woman   

1981    Image of the Beast            n/a            Stunt performer

The Great Muppet Caper            Charkie's Water Ballet Performer        

1984    Terror in the Aisles            Chrissie Watkins            Archival footage



Year     Title            Role            Notes

1976    The Quest   Girl in Brawl   1 episode

1978    Quark            Guard #1        2 episodes

1982            Catalina C-Lab            Diver With Bends            TV film

The Fall Guy            Tammy            1 episode

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